
  • Cut Fadillah Irawaty Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Fachri Yunanda Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Anggi Mida Roma Simalango Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Widya Lorenza Simanullang Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Bambang Nur Alamsyah Lubis Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Writing Skills, Text Procedure, Generic Structure, Social Function


Writing is a crucial component of language acquisition. This method may be intricate,particularly for non-native speakers. This study aims to identify the challenges encountered by eleventhh-grade students in composing procedure texts and to ascertain the obstacles contributing to these issues. This approach constitutes qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 21 eleventh-grade pupils. The findings indicated that the data were analyzed with a rubric analytical scale by brown (2007). The results indicated that 19% of students achieved a very good level, 23.80% attained a good level, 33.33% reached a medium level, and 23.80% were classified at a poor level. Therefore, we label 28.5% of students as having poor language features. This means that language features are the most difficult area for eleventh-grade students at SMA Budi Murni 1 with 28.5% of students being at the poor level.


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How to Cite

Irawaty, C. F., Yunanda, F. ., Simalango, A. M. R. ., Simanullang, W. L. ., & Lubis, B. N. A. . (2024). AN ANALYSIS ON THE STUDENTS’ CHALLENGES FACED IN WRITING PROCEDURE TEXTS AT BUDI MURNI 1. Jurnal Basataka (JBT), 7(2), 917–923.

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